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Progressive and the environment

Progressive and the environment

We’re committed to the environment and try where possible, to implement Corporate Social Responsibility across all sections of our business from reducing the amount of paper we use to saving energy on a daily basis.

Since the late 1990s the Society has participated in the Northern Ireland Environmental Benchmarking Survey in conjunction with Business in the Community. The survey was established in 1995 to coordinate all business environmental initiatives in Northern Ireland and to provide an environmental support service to local industry. The survey benchmarks organisations on the basis of their environmental management and performance in key areas. The survey helps organisations analyse gaps, measure progress, drive improvement and raise awareness of the environment as a strategic, competitive issue.   The survey is designed to test how well organisations have developed their approaches to environmental management and assess how they are performing.

The Society created an Environmental Policy in 2006 and at the same time implemented an Environmental Management System (EMS) aimed at improving the Society’s environmental performance.

In 2020, the Society created an Environmental Strategy designed to improve both the running of the Society’s operations and the products and services offered to Members. This strategy is based around a framework of 9 core areas and includes aggressive targets to move the Society to Carbon Net Zero. In 2021 the Society also offered its first ‘Green Mortgage’ which offers a more competitive interest rate to customers purchasing an energy efficient house.

In 2022, the Society donated to the Woodland Trust towards the protection of woods and trees in Northern Ireland for the benefit of people, wildlife and the climate. Furthermore, the Society also paid the Woodland Trust a fee of £10,000 to absorb 400 tonnes of carbon dioxide, helping with our strategy to reduce our business carbon footprint. This is more than double the amount of carbon dioxide the Society produces from its direct business operations.

A visible demonstration of our environmental commitment and drive for sustainable improvement, The Society is an Investor in the Environment (IIE) Member and is currently working towards IIE Bronze Accreditation.


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